Alessia Patregnani works between Italy and USA . She currently resides in Los Angles where she is involved in several projects as performer and producer. She attended the acting school at Teatro Stabile in L’Aquila and post-graduate courses at the Accademia D’Arte Drammatica “S. D’Amico” in Rome; studied piano at the Conservatory “L. D’Annunzio”, Pescara, and graduated in Literature at La Sapienza University in Rome with a thesis in Anthropology.

She participated in productions of Teatro Stabile Abruzzese, Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, Orchestra Regionale of Toscany, Teatro La Comunita’-directed by G. Sepe- and Officine Teatrali ; and as a narrator in works by C.Debussy, G.Petrassi, F.Pennisi, M. D’Amico,C. Boccadoro, G. Nottoli, A. Gentile e E. Morricone. She gave readings of Dante’s works at the “Tor Vergata” University in Rome.

Her most recent credits include: Italian Futurism Centennial: Science and the Unknown or Synthesis of Syntheses – UCLA , directed by J. Kellam; Henry IV byPirandello – IIC Los Angeles; Galileo 1610, Steve Allen Theatre LA; Unperformable by Rudy Perez- USC, LA; HERSHEME by C. Strickland, Acting Out Festival, LA. In 2014 she produced Orgasmo Adulto Escapes from the Zoo di F.Rame e Dario Fo, and The Marriage Proposal by A. Chekov and Etty Hillesum: A Voice outside the Camp, in collaboration with Theatre Factory Studio.

Since 2004 she is a board member of The Azzurra (, a non-profit organization founded in 2007 to advance the cause of human dignity and personal expression, through the exchange of culture between Italy and Southern California.

In 2016 she participated in the new opera Migranti by Luciano Bellini at University Tor Vergata, Rome and in The Soldier’s Tale by I. Stravinski at the Rome Chamber Music Festival (Palazzo Barberini).

In April 2017, Alessia performed in the concert- opera Il Pesce Cola, by Luciano Bellini. She plays the leading role in the project MARY by American video-artist Bill Viola, in which it permanently installed in London at St Paul’s Cathedral